The Benefits Of Fruit Face Packs

Skin care can be a full-time regime for a lot of people, who invest lots of money in expensive beauty products, skin treatments and numerous others.


However a lot of people simply don’t realise that they don’t always need to spend so much money, as things lying round the house could have a huge impact; with fruit being the best example. Fruit has numerous beneficial properties, and these properties can be taken advantage of in more ways than by simply eating them. So here are three fruits that can make a real difference to your skin care:


Grapefruit is one of the more well-known fruits for its beneficial properties, containing vitamins A, B, C & D. When used as a face-pack, the fruit is hugely refreshing and rejuvanating. Grapefruits (like all the other fruits on the list) are best utilised as a face-pack, where than can reduce the level of oily skin and help remove wrinkles.

Next up is lemon, which contains extremely high amounts of vitamins A, B2, B15 and C. Lemons tend to be used as part of either a face-pack or skin care lotion, and effects the skin by making it appear taught and more youthful.


Oranges are particularly good for skin care regimes and are most often used to treat porous and oily skin. Oranges contain 14 vitamins, 5 types of fruit acid and numerous enzymes and mineral substances. Face packs with orange in them tend to soften the skin, adding elasticity and generally adding nourishment.


The really good thing about the ingredients is you can get everything you need cheaply from the local greengrocer. This means they’re perfectly legitimate for use by either men or women, and should have the same impact on both sexes. So whether you’re interested in womens or mens skin care, you should get online and download some fruit face-pack recipies.