10 Natural Home Remedies for Sunburn

home remedies for sunburn

Sunburn is an injury that occurs on the skin as a result of excessive ultraviolet rays of the sun coming in contact with the the skin.

These burns are also divided into three types: first degree (stain red or pink), second degree (blisters) and third degree (death of underlying skin with deep wounds usually on the lips and other areas highly sensitive tissues).

It is important to monitor sunburn because it can become infected, which can facilitate the formation of scars and even melanomas.

The first action to be performed, after suffering a sunburn, is to cool the area with cold water. You can use a damp cloth to do cool compresses for temporary relief. Apply several times a day for approx. 10 to 15 minutes on each occasion.

Once cooled, you can apply the following home remedies for Sunburn to relieve pain and allow early healing.

However should you have found yourself having spent just a little an excessive amount of time within the sun, – here are 10 Natural Home Remedies for Sunburn and assist in the body’s healing procedure:

1. Cool Milk Compresses:

The fat and lactic acids in milk are known to have soothing qualities for sunburned skin. Soak a soft cloth or cotton gauze in cool entire milk, and dab cautiously onto the burned skin. Do this for about 20 minutes and follow by rinsing off with cool water. (Because of the significance of the milk’s fat content, it’s significant that whole milk be utilized in this treatment).

tea for sunburn

2. Cool, sugarless tea:

The tannin in tea will be the active ingredient here, which helps to soothe and relieve a number of the discomfort of sunburned skin. After brewing a huge pot of tea, and permitting it to cool totally, slosh the affected areas having a soft sponge or washcloth. As with the vinegar, you can also fill a spray bottle, and spray the tea directly on the skin. And don’t throw away the used (cool) teabags. These are especially excellent for sensitive areas around the eyes, simply place the teabags over your eyes if they really feel hot and tired. (When you have St. John’s Wort, take into consideration utilizing this as it contains cooling properties, which can support tone down some of the heat within your skin, together with soothing the nerve endings damaged by the sunburn).

aloe vera for skin care

3. Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera is generally employed to treat sunburn. And also supplying soothing relief, it might also help within the healing process. Apply to the affected areas as necessary. Although the gel extracted directly from an aloe Vera plant works greatest, when you don’t have access to one, you might use an over the counter Aloe Vera Cream that contains the gel. For this to be powerful, just make certain that the cream contains a high concentration of Aloe Vera than it does water or other solutions.

water for skin care

4. Water:

When exposed to the sun, your body loses water and vital body salts. Dehydration occurs when your body loses too much fluid, and begins to reabsorb fluid from the blood along with other body tissues. To avoid the consequences of dehydration, boost your fluid intake to make certain you adequately re-hydrate your body for optimum recovery and wellness.

5. Baking Soda

Fill the bath tub with fresh water and add two tablespoons of baking soda. Wash the affected area with this water. Repeat three times daily. Instead of drying with a towel, let the solution dry the skin on it’s own. This remedy relieves discomfort, re-hydrates the burned area and facilitates recovery.

6. Cucumber

Wash a cucumber (if no cucumber, you can use instead, a potato or apple) medium, cut into thin slices and refrigerate for a while. Then apply directly on the affected area.

7. Tea Bags

Apply tea bags soaked in cold water to reduce swelling of burned eyelids.

8. Mixture Of Essential Oils

Pour 8 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops helichrysum oil, 2 drops of chamomile oil and 1 drop of peppermint oil in a tub or tub filled with cold water. If you wish, you can add ice cubes to keep the coldness of the water. Immerse yourself in this bath for 20 minutes. Repeat this remedy every few hours until the pain subsides.

sunburn remedies

9. Coconut Oil

Apply half teaspoon coconut oil and rub on the affected skin in a circular motion. Use this remedy 3 times per day for 3 days. This oil is rich in vitamin E which helps reduce inflammation and regenerate skin.

10. Potatoes And Honey

Wash and peel 2 small potatoes and place in a blender with a little water and 1 teaspoon of honey. Blend for a few seconds to form a paste. Apply it cold to the affected area and let it dry. Then remove with cold water.

Sunburn should obviously be avoided where possible – especially as it’s adverse affects not merely contain damage to the skin, but also the increased risk of skin cancer. Prevention and protection must normally be considered the very best treatment for sunburn, and will help in ensuring your optimum long-term well being!

These sunburn home remedies won’t get rid of your sunburn instantly, but if you keep using consistently, you will have better results. I hope you are enjoying foods that are good for your skin.

DISCLAIMER: These are home remedy hints only, and really should not replace your normal wellness care provider. If in doubt at any time in relation to your sunburn, please seek the suitable wellness care assistance.

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