12 Little Known Home Remedies For Acne

Do not underestimate the natural treatment  methods because the results can be very effective, including the treatment of acne. Most people choose to use over-the-counter products although many of them do not get the desired results. Time for you to get back to nature.

Home remedies for acne have a very great effect, can heal without leaving a scar at all if you use it regularly. Made from natural ingredients and herbs that can be found easily and cheaply. Do one of the following methods immediately, do not wait until the condition becomes worse.

List of Home Remedies For Acne 

  1. Mix grinded nutmeg with unboiled milk and then apply on the affected area. Acne will soon disappear without a mark.
  2. Combine 3 tablespoons of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder, make up until it become a paste and then apply on pimples at night before bed and wash off in the morning with warm water. Do it every day for about 2 weeks and the pimples will disappear forever.
  3. Mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and then apply on the skin.
  4. Another home remedies for acne is orange. Grind orange peel with water to make a paste, then apply it on the pimple and surrounding area.
  5. Garlic can eliminate acne without any marks left behind if used regularly. Take fresh garlic and rub it on the pimples and around it.
  6. For an effective acne prevention, mix 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice with 1 tablespoon groundnut oil then apply on your skin.
  7. Mint has a very good effect on our skin, in addition to acne treatment can also be used for treatment of skin infections such as scabies, eczema and insect stings. Make fresh mint juice then apply it on your face.
  8. Fenugreek leaves are useful in the prevention of acne, wrinkles, and blackheads. Apply a paste of fenugreek leaves on your face at night, leave for about 15 minutes then wash with warm water. The result will be more noticeable if you do it every night.
  9. Papaya is also one of the home remedies for acne that is very useful. Make the juice of raw papaya including the skin and seeds and then apply on the swelling area.
  10. Boil a glass of milk, mix it with fresh lime juice. Use the mixture to wash your face, sure you have to wait until the temperature of the milk decreases.
  11. Take rose water and lime juice in equal portions, mix both and  then apply them to problem areas. Wait for about 30 minutes, after that wash with warm water.
  12. Take ripe tomatoes, crushed up into a pulp, then apply on pimples.  Wait for one hour and then rinse thoroughly.

These are natural home remedy for acne which can help you to get rid of acne.

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