Back Acne Treatment

Looking for back acne treatment?

Back acne or bacne looks the same as the acne that appears on the face, except that it is more difficult to get rid of. Although bacne is easier to hide with clothing, it could be such a nuisance in certain situations and during certain times of the year, mainly summer time. In this article we will discuss about some  back acne treatment options.

Our skin on the back is a lot tougher than facial skin making it slow for bacne to respond to treatments. Like facial acne, back acne develops because of clogged pores. Sebum or the oil which the body naturally produces is the main reason pores get clogged. The presence of excess dead skin cells is another.

When skin pores are blocked, it provides a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria that causes acne. Other factors that play a role in the breakout of acne include:


  • excessive sweating
  • heredity
  • stress
  • fatty or oily foods


Back acne treatment requires a lot of patience since it can take time for bacne to respond to medication. How do you get rid of back acne then?

Some Back Acne Treatment Tips

 Salicylic acid and alpha hydroxy acids can be used for mild to moderate back acne. For moderate to severe acne, benzoyl peroxide along with alpha hydroxy acid is recommended. Acne skin care products with 10% alpha hydroxyl usually help get rid of mild acne as well as products with salicylic acid. For moderate to severe acne, an acne gel or cream with 10% benzoyl peroxide can be a big help.

For bacne that is too severe or widespread, accutane and antibiotics may be required. These medications must be taken with the approval of a physician. Maintenance of personal hygiene is also necessary and exfoliating the skin regularly can help speed up back acne treatment. A soft loofah or washcloth may be used to scrub the back and remove dirt and dead skin cells. Using anti-bacterial soaps will also greatly benefit people suffering from bacne.

Applying moisturizer after exfoliation also helps a lot in speeding the process of bacne treatment. Make use of water based moisturizer instead of an oil-based one. After bathing, pat your skin dry with a soft and clean terry cloth towel then apply the benzoyl peroxide cream or gel on your back. Allow the cream to sit for a few hours before gently washing it off using a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water. This regimen when followed for a few weeks can reduce and treat bacne. While treating your back acne, avoid wearing tight fitting garments and keep your clothes, towels, bed things and anything that may come in contact with your back clean.

Aside from the above tips, there are also homemade remedies one can use to treat bacne.

Back Acne Treatment at Home

 Lemon juice and rose water – mix lemon juice with some rose water. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it on the acne lesions with the cotton ball. Leave on for a while before washing off with water or keep it on overnight and just wash it off in the morning.

  • Oatmeal and honey – mix cooked oatmeal with honey to make a mask. Apply the mixture on your back and leave on for 15-20 minutes before washing it off.
  • Tea tree oil – this is known for its anti-bacterial property and can help get rid of bacne. Tea tree oil can also help prevent the rapid proliferation of the bacteria that causes acne on the skin.
  • Aloe vera – this is another well known and effective natural product for back acne treatment. It has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties and can also serve as an antiseptic that can help kill bacteria.
  • Tomato pulp – crush a ripe tomato and apply the pulp on the affected area. Allow the pulp to sit on the lesions for about an hour before rinsing off with water.

Since each individual has different skin types, it may take some time before you find the right back acne treatment. In case none of these treatment options help or provide any relief, you should consider visiting a dermatologist.